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North Korea Story

북한의 인공위성 발사(Regarding the controversy over North Korea's satellite launch notification.)

by Justitia 2023. 5. 30.

북한의 인공위성 발사 통보 논란에 대하여..
- 이념이란 무엇인가

Regarding the controversy over North Korea's satellite launch notification.
- What is an ideology?

북한이 5월 31일부터 6월 11일사이에 인공위성발사를 하겠다고 한국과 일본에 통보했다. 
한국이 얼마전 성공한 인공위성 발사를 빌미로 북한도 '인공위성'으로 명명한 탄도미사일시험 발사를 강행할 심산으로 보인다.

North Korea notified South Korea and Japan that it would launch a satellite between May 31 and June 11.
It seems that North Korea is also planning to launch a ballistic missile test called 'artificial satellite' under the pretext of South Korea's recent successful satellite launch.


한국은 되는데 왜 북한은 안되는가? 라고 묻는 사람들이 있다.
이것은 북한이 그동안 핵개발에 몰두하며 시험해 온 탄도미사일 발사 시험 때문이다.
결국 북한은 인공위성기술을 탄도미사일 발사목적에 사용할 것이 명백하고 이 두 기술은 결론적으로 동일하기 때문이다.

South Korea works, but why doesn't North Korea? There are people who ask.
This is because of the ballistic missile launch test that North Korea has been immersed in nuclear development and testing.
After all, it is clear that North Korea will use artificial satellite technology for the purpose of launching ballistic missiles, and these two technologies are ultimately identical.

그들이 무엇을 쏘아 올릴지는 아무도 알수 없다.
결국 낙하물이 떨어진 다음에야 그것이 포탄인지 아닌지 알수 있기 때문에 북한의 인공위성 발사 시험은 유엔 안보리 제재 대상이다.
그 어떤 발사이든 탄도미사일 발사 기술을 이용한다면 모두 제재의 대상이 된다.
하지만 아무리 유엔에서 제재를 가해도, 결국 유엔에서 중국과 러시아의 표를 얻어 아무런 패널티 없이 북한은 현재까지 핵탄두 미사일 개발에 몰두해왔고  그  기술은 이제 무르익어 있다.
이들을 어떻게 막을 수 있을것인가.
그것은 마치 끝나지 않는 종교전쟁을 보는 것과 같다.

북한은 결국 한국의 인공위성을 핑계삼아 비난하며 쏠 것이고 우리는 결국, 아무제재도 할수 없을 것이다.

No one knows what they will fire at.
In the end, North Korea's satellite launch test is subject to UN Security Council sanctions because it is only after the falling object has fallen that we can know whether it is an artillery shell or not.
Any launch using ballistic missile launch technology is subject to sanctions.
However, no matter how much sanctions are imposed by the UN, North Korea has been immersed in the development of nuclear-warhead missiles so far without any penalty by winning the votes of China and Russia at the UN, and the technology is now ripe.
How can we stop them?
It is like watching a religious war that never ends.

North Korea will eventually use the launch of South Korea's satellite as an excuse and criticize it and launch it, and in the end, there will be so sanctions.


이념이라는 것은 종교와 같다. 
이전에 나는 탈북자를 만나 공무원 채용인터뷰에서 이런 질문을 한 적이 있다.
"만약 한국전쟁이 다시 일어나서 당신이 총을 쏘아야 한다면, 누구를 향해 총을 쏠 것인가?"

An ideology is like a religion.
Previously, I met a North Korean defector and asked this question in an interview for a civil servant job.
"If the Korean War broke out again and you had to shoot, who would you shoot at?"

이미 한국에 와서 10년이상을 살아온 사람이었지만,
더구나 국가의 충성심을 요구하는 공무원이 되고자 응시한 사람이,
머뭇거리며 대답하길, "나는 북한군을 쏠수 없다" 고 말했다.
그래서 나는 다시 물었다. 당연히 동족상잔의 비극은 없어야 하겠지만
그렇다면 "당신은 남한 군은 쏠수 있는가?" 그러자 그사람은 대답했다.

Although he had already lived in Korea for more than 10 years, 
Moreover, those who applied to become civil servants who demand the nation's loyalty,
He replied hesitantly, "I cannot shoot the North Koreans."
So I asked again. Of course, there should be no tragedy of fratricide, but
Then, "Can you shoot the South Korean army?" Then the man answered.

다시한번 이념의 대립이 왜 끝나지 않는지를 느끼는 순간이었다.
대한민국이라는 곳에 목숨을 걸고 와서 자유를 느끼고, 정부의 혜택을 받고 편안하게 살아가고 있다고 생각하고 있지만, 그에 대해 감사한 마음보다 당연하다는 의식이 더 컸고, 결국 나의 모국은 북한이라는 것이 변하지 않았다.
이처럼 어릴때부터 한번 형성된 이념이라는 것은 결국 그 사람의 인생을 지배하는 것이다.
어쩌면 절대 변하지 않을 것이다.

It was a moment when I felt once again why the ideological confrontation never ends.
They think that they risked their life to come to the Republic of Korea, feel freedom, receive benefits from the government, and live comfortably, but they thought they deserved of it than being grateful for it.
Like this, an ideology formed once from an early age ultimately dominates a person's life.
Maybe it will never change.

이제 어쩌면 우리는 통일보다, 더 단단한 벽을 쌓아야 할지 모른다.
세기를 이어오면서 끊임 없이 이어지는 영토, 종교전쟁과 더불어, 우리의 이념전쟁은 끝나지 않을 것이다.
한국이라는 작은 나라가 그 반쪽으로 지금까지 반세기를 넘어 존재하고 있는데 앞으로 더 유지하지 못할 이유는 무엇인가.
어쩌면 이제 우리는 통일에 목매는 정책이 아닌, 우리만의 길을 다시 모색하고 그들과는 차라리 더 견고한 벽을 쌓는 길을 택해야 할지 모른다.
지금의 세대들 중에 진정한 통일을 바라는 사람이 몇이나 될까?
한 나라에 왕이 둘일수 없고 지구상에 태양이 둘일 수 없다.

Now, maybe we should build a wall that is stronger than unification.
Along with the territorial and religious wars that have continued for centuries, our ideological war will not end.
A small country called Korea has existed for more than half a century so far, so why can't it be maintained further in the future?
Perhaps now we should seek our own path again and choose to build a more solid wall with them, rather than a policy that is obsessed with unification.
How many people in this generation want true unification?
There cannot be two kings in one country, and there cannot be two suns on earth.

북한과의 통일에 목매달고 허비하는 시간에 어떻게 하면 한국의 인구정책을 바꾸고 더 강력한 한국으로 나아갈지 고민하는게 값지지 않을까?
인구소멸로 가고 있는 한국의 미래는 과연 북한과 통일을 한다고 해결될수 있는 것인가.
Wouldn't it be valuable to think about how to change South Korea's population policy and move toward a more powerful Korea in the time spent clinging to unification with North Korea?
Can the future of South Korea, which is heading towards demographic extinction, be resolved by reunification with North Korea?

우리는 이미 너무 먼 길을 돌아왔고 멀리 왔다.
북한과 우리는 엄연히 다른 체재, 사상, 문화를 가지고 있다.
끝나지 않는 이념대립, 스파이, 많은 문제들을 제거하기 위해서라도 이제는 통일정책이 아닌 분리정책을 고민해야 할 때가 아닌가 싶다.

We have already come a long way.
North Korea and South Korea have a completely different system, ideology, and culture.
In order to eliminate endless ideological confrontation, spying, and many other problems, I think now is the time to consider a separation policy rather than a unification policy.
