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전체 글264

Culture and Country How is the culture of a country expressed? 10/29 Korean time.. 10:30 pm.. Itaewon, Seoul. In the alley... we had a terrible accident. Everyone wondered how this could happen. Would the same accident have occurred in a country other than Korea? It makes me think a lot about this question. A nation's ethnicity and its characteristics can be seen in many places. Especially when there is a big accid.. 2022. 10. 31.
북한은 어떤 곳인가? Where is North Korea? 북한은 어떤 곳인가? 어디에 있는가? 외국에 나가서 '한국에서 왔다' 라고 소개하면 그들은 여전히 나에게 '북에서 왔느냐, 남에서 왔느냐'고 물었다. 그럴 때마다 남과 북의 차이를 알고 있는 것인지, 당황스러운 생각이 들었다. 실제로 아직 많은 사람들이 북한과 남한의 차이점에 대해 알지 못했다. Where is North Korea? Where are they? When I go abroad and introduce myself as 'I am from Korea', they still ask me, 'Are you from the North or the South?' Every time that happened, I wondered if they were as aware of the difference.. 2022. 10. 24.
July 4th at Arch! In Missouri, I really like Independence day! I really like fireworks and I want to go see them every year when the world fireworks season comes, but it was difficult to get a seat anywhere along the Han River due to the terrible traffic jams. But here, I love the fireworks at Gateway Arch on Independence Day! So many people, but the space the seat is enough and the parking as well. I was able to.. 2022. 7. 6.
St. Louis in Missouri Saint Louis in Missouri, it's a fascinating city and state. I haven't heard and have been here before. Here is really historic city. It is no exaggeration to say that the history of US trade began here. If you come here, be sure to visit the arch and see the process of making the arch in the exhibition hall. The arch is so beautiful and should go to the arch on July 4th, American Independence da.. 2022. 1. 7.