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U.S. Story/Manhattan in New York

In December in Mahattan, 2022

by Justitia 2022. 12. 5.

크리스마스 트리
Macy's department

Christmas in Manhattan, of course, begins with a Christmas tree.
The Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center is world-famous.
On the last day of November, the lighting ceremony is stupendous.
However, I prefer to watch leisurely afterward rather than on a crowded day.
Anyway, the tree will not go anywhere and will stay there until the New Year.
Manhattan's winters are harsh, but beautiful and warm.


맨하탄의 크리스마스, 그 시작은 당연히 크리스마스 트리이다.
Rockefeller center 의 크리스마스 트리는 세계적으로 유명하다.
11월 마지막날, 그 점등식은 어마어마 하다.
하지만 나는 붐비는 날 보단, 이후 여유있게 보는 것을 더 좋아한다.
어쨌든 그 트리는 어디가지 않고 새해가 밝을때까지 그 자리에 있을 테니 말이다.
맨하탄의 겨울은 매섭지만, 아름답고 따뜻하다.


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