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U.S. Story/Manhattan in New York

In November in Manhattan, 2022

by Justitia 2022. 12. 1.

In November in Manhattan, what does the road to winter look like?
Among the things I felt after coming to the US, the most remarkable thing is the American winter.
Before moving on to the next year, from Halloween in late October to Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December, American winter is the scene of festivals that conclude the year.

Despite the cold winter, I spend a happy time with my family, lover, friends, and neighbors. It's a very different atmosphere from Korea, which moved more busily to finish the year and spent something impatiently.
From Halloween at the end of October, the decorations do not disappear in every house.
From Thanksgiving in November and from Christmas to New Year's in December, the houses literally shine with beautiful decorations.

Unlike houses in St. Louis, apartments in Manhattan create a different, sophisticated atmosphere.
Manhattan walks fast every day and turns fast, but at the end of the year, Manhattan in New York City creates colorful, beautiful, and warm scenery like any other city.

We are facing the winter season with true humanity, conveying our warm hearts to each other and considering giving to others as a virtue.
In addition, at the end of the year, the culture of welcoming the next year while traveling and relaxing with family for about a week as a paid holiday makes people feel blissful.
This culture of the United States deserves to be imitated by Korea as well.
It has been a troubled two years due to the distance from people who have become hardened after Covid-19 and hate crimes against Asians, but that is not all.
I came to the United States during the severe Covid-19 period, and I am feeling the warmth of Americans a lot as I have already entered my third year.
I think everything depends on the situation you are in and how you are in it.
Now, we are getting used to the buses and subways in Manhattan, and they are the most convenient means of transportation.

American winter...
I'm going to go see the tree at Rockefeller Center before Christmas.
Even though the war continues and the global economy is in recession, Manhattan still makes me feel happy at the end 

of the year.
I am very grateful for this.


맨하탄의 11월, 겨울로 넘어가는 길목은 어떤 모습일까.
미국에 와서 느낀 점 중 가장 특징적인 점은 미국의 겨울이다.
다음해로 넘어가기 전, 10월 말 할로윈부터 11월 땡스기빙, 12월 크리스마스에 이르기까지 미국의 겨울은 한해를 

마무리 하는 축제의 현장이다.
가족, 연인, 친구, 이웃들과 함께 추운 겨울이지만 행복한 시간을 보낸다. 

한해의 마무리를 위해 더 바쁘게 움직이고 뭔가 조급하게 보냈던 한국과는 사뭇 다른 분위기다.
10월 말 할로윈부터 집집마다 장식이 마르지 않는다.
11월 땡스기빙, 12월크리스마스부터 새해가 될때까지 그야말로 집들은 아름다운 장식으로 빛난다.
세인트 루이스에서의 주택들과 달리 맨하탄의 아파트들은 또다른 세련된 분위기를 연출한다.
매일같이 빠르게 걷고, 빠르게 돌아가는 맨하탄이지만, 연말만큼은 여느 다른 도시들 처럼 화려하고 아름답고, 따뜻한 풍경을 만들어 내는 뉴욕, 맨하탄.
서로에게 따듯한 마음을 전하고, 누군가에게 베품을 미덕으로 여기는 진정한 인간미가 풍기는 겨울을 맞이하고 있다.
또한 연말에는 유급 휴일로 일주일가량 가족들과 여행, 휴식을 취하면서 다음해를 맞이하는 문화는 더없이 행복한 삶을 느끼게 해준다.

미국의 이러한 문화는 한국도 본받을만 하다.
코로나 이후 각박해진 사람들과의 거리, 아시아인을 향한 증오범죄 등으로 뒤숭숭한 2년이었지만, 그것이 전부는 아니다.
나는 극심한 코로나 시기에 미국에 왔고, 벌써 3년차에 접어들면서 미국인들의 따뜻함을 많이 느끼고 있다.
모든 것은 자신이 처한 상황, 그리고 사람나름이라 생각한다.
이제 맨하탄에서의 버스, 지하철도 익숙해져 가고 있고, 이들은 더없이 편리한 교통수단이다.

미국의 겨울..
크리스마스가 되기 전 록펠러센터의 트리를 보러가야겠다.
전쟁이 끊이지 않고 세계의 경제가 불황이지만, 그래도 행복한 연말을 느끼게 해주는 맨하탄이다.
나는 이에 매우 감사하고 있다. 


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