728x90 반응형 자유의 여신상2 NYC 에서 NJ로 가는 Path 타기 - How to ride Path 뉴욕에서 뉴저지로 이동할 때 가장 편리한 수단이 Path 이다. NJ 위쪽으로 가려면 다른 수단을 이용해야 하지만, Hoboken 이나 Jersey City 등 Middle 혹은 Lower Manhattan 건너편으로 가기에는 더 없이 편한 수단이다. The most convenient way to travel from New York to New Jersey is Path. You'll need to use another means to get up to NJ, but To go across Middle or Lower Manhattan, such as Hoboken or Jersey City, It is an extremely convenient means. 나는 WTC, World Trade Cen.. 2024. 1. 2. New York City New York City is truly fascinating. I came here 10 years ago and now I'm coming again. To be honest, I don’t remember that time well, but the weather was chilly, so I felt really complicated. At the time, I was just excited and curious. But now, before coming, I thought too much and worried a lot about crime. But I am still falling in love with this place with many wonders and complexities. Ever.. 2022. 11. 17. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형