728x90 반응형 이태원2 Itaewon Pocha - 이태원 포차 오늘 소개할 곳은 맨하탄 28W W 32nd St 2nd Fl, New York, NY 10001에 위치한 이태원 포차이다.한국의 이태원을 모토로 한 이곳은 포차32 와 비슷한 분위기를 연출한다.좀 더 음식메뉴가 많고 술도 다양하다. The place I'm introducing today is Itaewon Pocha, located at 28W W 32nd St 2nd Fl, New York, NY 10001 in Manhattan.This place, which is based on Itaewon in Korea, has a similar atmosphere to Pocha32.It has a wider food menu and a wider range of drinks. 포차의 기본은 저런 플라.. 2024. 8. 13. Culture and Country How is the culture of a country expressed? 10/29 Korean time.. 10:30 pm.. Itaewon, Seoul. In the alley... we had a terrible accident. Everyone wondered how this could happen. Would the same accident have occurred in a country other than Korea? It makes me think a lot about this question. A nation's ethnicity and its characteristics can be seen in many places. Especially when there is a big accid.. 2022. 10. 31. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형