728x90 반응형 인구2 북한의 인공위성 발사(Regarding the controversy over North Korea's satellite launch notification.) 북한의 인공위성 발사 통보 논란에 대하여.. - 이념이란 무엇인가 Regarding the controversy over North Korea's satellite launch notification. - What is an ideology? 북한이 5월 31일부터 6월 11일사이에 인공위성발사를 하겠다고 한국과 일본에 통보했다. 한국이 얼마전 성공한 인공위성 발사를 빌미로 북한도 '인공위성'으로 명명한 탄도미사일시험 발사를 강행할 심산으로 보인다. North Korea notified South Korea and Japan that it would launch a satellite between May 31 and June 11. It seems that North Korea is also planni.. 2023. 5. 30. Now, South Korea is.. South Korea is now internally divided, without including North Korea. Previously, it was split into another small North and South Korea, but now it feels like it's shattered. What sets them apart from other countries is their patriotism. What is the patriotism of the people living in South Korea? Whenever a major accident occurs, people criticize that there was no state. The government is trying.. 2022. 11. 6. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형