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Snow in Manhattan 작년 이 맘 때만 해도 맨하탄에서 눈을 볼 수 없었다. 뉴욕에 눈이 온다고 해도 맨하탄에는 눈이 오지 않아서 한번도 보지 못했던 거 같다. 그래도 올해는 간간히 눈이 오는 듯 하다. 개인적으로 추운 날씨를 그렇게 좋아하지 않지만, 그래도 겨울은 눈이 와야 겨울 같다고나 할까. Last year around this time, there was no snow in Manhattan. Even though it snows in New York, it doesn't snow in Manhattan, so I don't think I've ever seen it. However, it seems like it might snow occasionally this year. Personally, I don't li.. 2024. 2. 19.
In December in Mahattan, 2022 Christmas in Manhattan, of course, begins with a Christmas tree. The Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center is world-famous. On the last day of November, the lighting ceremony is stupendous. However, I prefer to watch leisurely afterward rather than on a crowded day. Anyway, the tree will not go anywhere and will stay there until the New Year. Manhattan's winters are harsh, but beautiful and warm... 2022. 12. 5.
In November in Manhattan, 2022 In November in Manhattan, what does the road to winter look like? Among the things I felt after coming to the US, the most remarkable thing is the American winter. Before moving on to the next year, from Halloween in late October to Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December, American winter is the scene of festivals that conclude the year. Despite the cold winter, I spend a happy time w.. 2022. 12. 1.